Members-only Site Registration

Instructions: Required fields begin with *. If you have any problems, contact us. Be certain to use the same exact name that you used when joining the USRSA. If you have already registered for member-only access but have forgotten your password, click here to receive a new one.

*First Name (same name as on USRSA membership certificate)
*Last Name (same name as on USRSA membership certificate)
*USRSA Membership Number (See membership certificate)
Company Name
*State (Abbreviate, e.g., CA, MA, etc. If there are
no states where you live, put "XX")
*Main interest in USRSA membership is from point of view of …
Tennis/racquet sports related business type where you work Club  Shop  Chain  Home  Other
Primary position in the above non-home tennis related business
Professional racquet sports affiliations (check as many as apply) USPTA  USPTR  AMPRO  IRSA
PARI  PSA  Regional Assoc.  Other
If you string, number of racquets you personally string per year
Percentage of racquets by sport that you personally string
per year (use whole percentages that add to 100)

If you’re a stringer, machine type most often used
*USERNAME (4-10 characters. Case sensitive!)
(4-10 characters. Case sensitive!)
(exactly same password as above for verification)
(eg., mother’s maiden, etc., in case of lost or forgotten passwords)

Please write your username and password where you can find them, in the event that you forget and need to gain access to the member’s only section outside of business hours (8–5 M–F). Your secret word is to help remind YOU of your password — it will not let you into the site should you forget your password.