Find A New Racquet

INTRODUCTION FOR THIS DEMO: A little "make believe" is necessary because current racquets are not included, and only one racquet will be available for customization.
Choosing a racquet involves 3 steps. This DEMO, using discontinued racquets, takes you through steps 1 and 2.
- SELECTING: picking the best racquet for you off the shelf. This racquet selector does that for you.
- CUSTOMIZING: weighting and balancing a racquet for optimum performance for each player’s style. Our Racquet Customizer shows you how and does it for you.
- All racquets can be customized.
- Most racquets should be customized — Your game depends on it!
- STRINGING: choosing the correct string, tension and technique for optimizing steps 1 and 2. You can learn why and how to do all this yourself by becoming a member, or you can find one of our member experts to do it for you.